Environmental Policy


Florence is committed to operating in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. As a leader in the healthcare staffing industry we recognise that our activities impact the environment and are dedicated to minimising this impact by promoting eco-friendly practices among our employees and contributing positively to the communities we serve. This policy outlines our commitment to reducing our ecological footprint and fostering a culture of sustainability within our organisation.


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and principles that encourage employees to adopt sustainable practices, particularly in relation to transportation, office space usage, waste management, and digital infrastructure. By implementing these practices, we aim to contribute positively to the environment and support the UK’s efforts to meet its climate goals.


This policy applies to all operations, activities, and stakeholders associated with Florence (UK), including employees, contractors, partners, and suppliers.


We encourage our employees to minimise the environmental impact of their daily commute and business travel by adopting the following practices:

  • Public transportation: Our offices are located centrally in large cities that are easily accessible by public transportation and employees are strongly encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, tubes, and trains where possible. We support this by providing information on public transport routes and offering incentives such as subsidised travel passes.
  • Train travel: For business travel within the UK and to nearby European destinations, employees should prioritise train travel over air travel. Train travel significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to flights and supports our commitment to reducing our environmental impact.
  • Remote work: Florence has a hybrid work policy where employees work remotely 2-3 days per week and employees participate in virtual meetings to reduce the need for travel. This not only supports our sustainability goals but also promotes work-life balance.

Office Spaces

We are committed to using office spaces that are environmentally responsible and actively contribute to waste and emission reduction:

  • Shared office spaces: We utilise shared office spaces that are designed to maximise resource efficiency. These spaces are equipped with energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, and promote shared resources to reduce overall consumption.
  • Sustainable buildings: Our office spaces are located in buildings that are taking active steps to reduce their waste and emissions. This includes participation in recycling programs, use of renewable energy sources, and adherence to building standards that prioritise sustainability. Shared office policies: Techspace | Spaces.
  • Resource efficiency: Employees are encouraged to use office resources, such as paper, water, and electricity, sparingly. We aim to reduce paper usage through digital alternatives and promote energy conservation by turning off lights and equipment when not in use.

Waste Reduction

We are committed to reducing waste generated by our operations and promoting recycling and reuse:

  • Waste segregation: Office spaces will be equipped with clearly labelled recycling bins to encourage the segregation of waste. Employees are expected to dispose of waste correctly to ensure maximum recycling efficiency.
  • Minimising single-use plastics: We discourage the use of single-use plastics within our offices and promote alternatives such as reusable water bottles, coffee cups, and utensils. Employees are encouraged to avoid plastic packaging when ordering supplies or meals.
  • Partnerships with sustainable suppliers: Wherever possible, we will partner with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. This includes sourcing products that are made from recycled materials, are energy-efficient, or have minimal environmental impact.

Digital Infrastructure and Equipment Recycling

We recognise the environmental impact of our digital infrastructure and are committed to minimising it through responsible practices:

  • Energy-efficient technology: We will prioritise the use of energy-efficient servers, computers, and other digital equipment. Employees are encouraged to utilise power-saving settings on their devices and turn off equipment when not in use.
  • Cloud computing: Wherever possible, we will use cloud computing services that are operated by providers committed to renewable energy and carbon neutrality. This reduces the need for physical servers and associated energy consumption.
  • Responsible e-waste management: We are committed to the responsible disposal of electronic waste (e-waste). All office equipment, including computers, printers, and mobile devices, will be recycled or disposed of through certified e-waste recycling programs. Employees must return old or unused devices to us for proper disposal.

Employee engagement and training

To ensure the success of this policy, we will:

  • Provide regular training and resources to employees on sustainable practices, including transportation options, waste reduction, energy conservation, and responsible use of digital infrastructure.
  • Encourage employees to share ideas and initiatives for improving our environmental performance. We value employee input and believe that collective efforts are essential for achieving our sustainability goals.

Monitoring and Reporting

We are committed to regularly reviewing and improving our environmental performance:

  • Annual review: This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Updates will be made as necessary to reflect new opportunities, technologies, or regulations.
  • Performance metrics: We will track key environmental performance metrics, such as carbon emissions from travel, waste reduction, resource consumption, and digital infrastructure efficiency. These metrics will be reported to management and shared with employees to maintain transparency and drive continuous improvement.


At Florence, we believe that taking proactive steps to reduce our environmental impact is not only our responsibility but also an opportunity to lead by example. By adopting sustainable practices in transportation, office space usage, waste management, and digital infrastructure, we can make a positive contribution to the environment and inspire others to do the same.

This policy reflects our ongoing commitment to sustainability and will be reviewed and updated as part of our continuous improvement process.

Approved by: Dr. Charles Armitage, CEO, Dan Blake, COO – Co Founders at Florence

Date: 10/01/24 (For Financial Year 2023)