Meet Florence Star Award winner Beatrice

This October we’re celebrating Star Award winner Beatrice, an RGN who began her nursing journey after moving to the UK in 2003, balancing studying with looking after three young children.

Find out the one thing she wishes everyone could understand about nursing, and what advice she’d give to anyone thinking of working with Florence…

1. How long have you been in healthcare?

I have been in healthcare for 14 years since I started university in 2009, till now.

2. Can you share a little bit about your journey into nursing?

I had always wanted to be a nurse or midwife, but I had no one to pay my school fees back in Africa.

As a result, I started a self-employed trade, which prospered. I got married and gave birth to a child before my husband started our move to the UK in January 2003.

I followed him to the UK in December 2003, taking our two year old daughter too. I later had a boy and another girl in the UK.

I studied in college whilst looking after my child, which led me to teaching. Three months after I had my last child, I started applying to universities to study nursing.

I applied to two universities and both offered me admission within one month.

I finally decided to go to the university closest to me (due to child care) which was University of Greenwich, Avery Hill Campus in London.

This is where I got my Bachelor’s degree in nursing. I started in 2009 and qualified in 2012. Since then, I have been working as a registered nurse in various settings. I registered with Florence in 2018 and since then, I’ve been booking shifts and working in different care homes, where I always get invites to come back [via the app invite feature].

It’s been amazing finding an agency like Florence.

3. What do you like most about working with Florence?

I appreciate being able to log in and book shifts for yourself. No one disturbs you with calls to cover a shift – which I love.

The flexibility is great and I work only when I feel like working. Their staff are so helpful, easy to reach and always eager and ready to help.

4. What features do you find useful in the Florence app?

Booking my own shifts is great as it gives me all the information about the job advertised. I find the timesheet submission good and the payment is fantastic. I have never had to chase my payment after my shift; I always get my money paid on time, at the expected date.

5. What advice would you give care professionals considering joining Florence?

Florence is the best healthcare agency to work with. I like Florence so much to the extent that I struggle registering with another agency. Their system has been working so incredibly well for me.

Stop wandering about, join Florence and book a convenient shift for yourself! You will not regret joining!

6. What’s the one thing you wish everyone understood about being a nurse?

Nursing is very demanding.

My role is not just giving medication – I am very passionate about caring for the people who are not able to do things for themselves.

My role is also about helping patients maintain their independence and dignity by giving them choices, as well as them reaching their full potential in life.

Thank you Beatrice, for being part of our community. We’re thrilled Florence makes your working life easier, and are so happy to award you Star of the Month this October – you deserve it.

If you’re inspired by Beatrice and want to join Florence, sign up today.

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